
Paramount Theater

Abigail Adams, Executive Director:  abigail@paramounthudsonvalley.com

George DeFeis, Director of Programming and Marketing: george@paramounthudsonvalley.com

Sharon DiPalo, Business, Finance, and Hospitality Director: sharon@paramounthudsonvalley.com

Ray Wilson, Programming Advisor:  ray@paramounthudsonvalley.com

Nick DiGiaimo, Technical Director: nick@paramounthudsonvalley.com

Ro-Z Edelstein, Lighting Director: ro-z@paramounthudsonvalley.com

Amanda Eddy, Box Office Manager: boxoffice@paramounthudsonvalley.com

Jane Hanley, Website Editor:  jane@activevoiceny.com

Wendy Martin, House Manager: Wendy@paramounthudsonvalley.com 

Tom Harvey, Bar Manager: Tom@paramounthudsonvalley.com

Mona Smith, Development Consultant

Volunteer Coordinator: phvtvolunteers@gmail.com

Please click on any email address to contact staff member. 

Paramount Hudson Valley Holiday Raffle

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